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Release Notes
Magnet AXIOM December 14, 2020

Artifact updates

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Aloha-icon Aloha Browser
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Lyft-icon Lyft Last Known Location
Lyft-icon Lyft Shortcut Locations NEW
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Windows Event Logs-icon Firewall Event Logs NEW
Windows Event Logs-icon Network Event Logs NEW
Windows Event Logs-icon Scheduled Task Event Logs NEW
Windows Event Logs-icon Script Event Logs NEW
Windows Event Logs-icon Service Event Logs NEW
Windows Event Logs-icon System Event Logs NEW
Windows Event Logs-icon USB Event Logs NEW
Windows Event Logs-icon User Event Logs
Windows Event Logs-icon Windows Event Logs

Extract text from files using OCR

Using optical character recognition (OCR) technology, you can extract text from PDF documents (including text in scanned documents and text from pictures in PDF documents) and from picture artifacts.

  • You can configure OCR to run automatically during the post-processing actions portion of a search, or you can run OCR later in AXIOM Examine.
  • After processing the files, you can view the extracted text in the Text extracted using OCR preview card
  • You can apply the Extracted text (OCR) content types filter to review all evidence with extracted text.
  • When you export evidence using the HTML export type, and you enable the option to include previews and file attachments, text extracted using OCR is included as an .txt file in your export.
  • Text extraction using OCR is available with an active Magnet AXIOM Complete, Magnet AXIOM Cyber, or Magnet AXIOM Examine license.
  • More details...

Acquire comments and replies to comments from Facebook Timeline posts

You can now acquire comments and replies to comments for Facebook Timeline posts.

  • When you include Facebook Timeline posts in your acquisition, you now have the option to select the content you want to include: posts only, posts and comments, or posts, comments, and replies.
  • Please note that acquiring comments and replies to comments can increase acquisition time.
  • More details...

Enhancements to exports / reports

In this release, we've introduced several enhancements to exporting from AXIOM Examine:

  • When configuring which columns to include in your export / report, you can now choose to include visible columns and column sorting from your current view in AXIOM Examine.
  • You can now create an export / report using the Magnet REVIEW 2.0 export type.
  • You can optionally export attachments when creating PDF and Excel exports.
  • PDF reports now include a table of contents.
  • For Project VIC exports, you can now generate a new CaseID value so that the exported data appears as a new case within the CAID database.
  • More details...





Bug fixes

Known issues